Eric S.A. Goerlitzer

My Research

Publications and Statistics

Art Gallery

On scientific platforms


Google Scholar

Publons/Web of Science Researcher ID X-3990-2019

ORCID 0000-0003-4088-929X


(c) Giulia Magnabosco




Twitter @Goerlitzer_etal

My photography on instagram @eric_the_focused_phd_not

@[email protected] Mastodon profile ****

Lab webpages (current and past)

Postdoctoral Research in NanoPhotonics research centre of Prof. Professor Jeremy J Baumberg an University of Cambridge, Department of Physics - The Cavendish Laboratory, UK

PhD in the lab of Prof. Dr. Nicolas Vogel at FAU

Helpful links

Unit Conversion by Naomi Halas group

How big is a nanometer by Tobias König group

Lectures on interfaces, nanooptics and polymers by Nicolas Vogel

My old Linktree

My web domain

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